Satellite Imagery, Rainfall RADAR Data, Sferics (Lightning Reports)
Rainfall Radar Data
Sferics (Lightning) Data

Met Office 5min UK Rainfall Radar

Meteox Euro Composite / Meteogroup / Raintoday

Eumetsat Satellite Derived Convective Rainfall Rate and Accumulated Rainfall

European Radar Composite via

Real time cloud radar images from Chilbolton

Met Office ATDnet Sferics via Icelandic Met / Netweather

Meteox Sferics / Siemens Sferics system

Sferics over Spain

Sferic data via Meteocentre / Animation - Zoomed 

EUCLID Benelux lightning map
MSG/Meteosat 8 Satellite Imagery
NOAA AVHRR and General Satellite Imagery

Eumetsat imagery / IR Western Europe Image

NOAA GOES E North Atlantic IR Loop

MSG Cloud Top Temperature and Height / Cloud Type

MSG Satellite Derived Winds

MSG European Dust/Ash Image Meteosat animations

Free Uni. of Berlin MSG IR Loop / Vis loop

Sat24 UK loop / Euro

Meteoceil European IR Loop / Visible

NOAA AWC ICAO Area Imagery / Northern Hemisphere IR image

Bernie Burton's NOAA AVHRR and MSG imagery

NRL Monterey Thermal Cloud Tops

NRL VIS/IR Composite images with NOGAPS overlays

Himawari-8 Imagery (southern hemisphere)


Note tropical imagery can be found on the Tropical Storm page

Dundee Satellite receiving station

Bernie Burton's
NOAA AVHRR and MSG imagery

Ferdinand Valk

NOAA AVHRR pictures from the CHMI

General Sites :-

Rutgers Weather Centre Northern Hemisphere animations

Satellite derived Quickscat winds

NASA Global interactive satellite selector

MODIS Rapid Response Project

Earthview : Shows the current view of the Earth as seen from the sun/moon and more

Our Planet Earth From Space

Allmetsat satellite imagery from various sources



Updated November 2, 2017